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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint is the measure of total amount of the carbon dioxide emissions which produced by us as humans in a way or another in a specific period of our lives.

In the UAE the average carbon foot print is about 33.1 which are quite high. I took the quiz at www.footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and mine was a bit lower than that, is about 22 only. I found that I have quite a lot of problems. One problem was travel because I am using my car a lot. Another issue was my consumption of electricity and water at home which was as high as 22 instate of 16 as average to the UAE. On the other hand, there are some ways to reduce my footprint. First I need to walk instead of using my car when possible. I have to turn off the air conditions in the rooms that I am not using as well. A final solution is that I must put the recyclable trash in the proper place like the one in spines supermarkets.

It is important to determine our carbon footprint and know how we are contributing at global warming. Then we have to try and do our best to make our planet clean and safe. It is a major problem; therefore, everybody must become involved to solve it and live safely.

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