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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

WE made it,WE can solve it.

I think it is a great film which talks about big issue which we have to find a solution for. Through the film, he told as about how dangers the global warming is. The life style that we have is the main reason for it. Our factors, cars and our need to energy made us run to the fossil energy with out thinking of the consequences. The emissions from all of them made it even worst. Ms al gore showed us the problem but he can't solve it for as. The solution is in our hands. In each of us hand .The government can help a lot by making regulate for the emissions that we produce. One guy can't solve global problem. We have to but our hand together for it .If every and each one of the changed his life style and made it more environmental and with the government help we can make a different so lets do, lets but our hands together for our only home. I believe that we made the problem and we can sole it TOGETHER. The solving should start with the government because they should be the leaders for us. WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

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