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Monday, December 29, 2008

Abu Dhabi future project "Yas Island"

As the quick improvement in the UAE it attracts many visitors annually. Tourism Development and Investment Company implemented many in the emirate of Abu Dhabi as the largest of the seven emirates and the capital of UAE. In this post I will be talking about an interesting development called "Yas island project"

Yas Island have a total land area with over 2,500 hectares, however only 1,700 hectares will be used for development which means over 70% of the island. A world-class motor sports racetrack, signature hotels, the Ferrari theme park, Water Park, all of these feature will the Island very attraction. Another thing is that Abu Dhabi is planning to develop 300,000 sq m as tread area and it will have many attractive things such as parkland golf courses, marinas, polo clubs, apartments, villas and food & beverage outlets which will mace the island one of a kind tourist destination.

To conclude, the project Yas Island is very unique. Abu Dhabi government has thought far ahead for it. The main reason of the projects is to reduce the global warming which I real hope that it will help.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cool City

Cool cities have become world interest. The problems that carbon dioxide causes made the word think about his live style. SDCJ is one of these cities that the world hopes to be the future cities. "A free of carbon city" that is it in a short word.

That city will have what it take for normal life. It will contain Offices, hotels, schools, and even a sport clubs. It will also have 2 types of network, residential and urbane. It will be as normal city as possible but with out producing any CO2. It will have great and comfortable spaces for walking. The transportation is extremely easy because of the terminal complex their. Water transportation will be available as well. The city will use only hybrid cars and their will be a barking spaces for them. The Eco-towers and residence will be used. The city will also have a water front along with the parks.

SDCJ have several ways for energy. Solar energy will be first along with the hydro energy. The city will be circled with water to be used as transportation and ad energy sours but it will also have solar power plants farms. The hole place will have high profanes class, transformers and LED display. The high efficiency home electronics, elevators lighting and refrigerators will be used to save energy along with many other staff.

In my point of view, the project is not practical for many reasons. The most important one is that Cool cities are not suitable for most of people because some people can’t afford to live there because the place will be extremely expense. Circulate seawater underground to cool the pavement and benches–maybe bad because that will pollute the sea because after the circulation finish the water will be thrown back to sea. The project needs more time to be suitable for our life style and I think it will take more time for us to be able to live in such a place.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint is the measure of total amount of the carbon dioxide emissions which produced by us as humans in a way or another in a specific period of our lives.

In the UAE the average carbon foot print is about 33.1 which are quite high. I took the quiz at www.footprint.wwf.org.uk/ and mine was a bit lower than that, is about 22 only. I found that I have quite a lot of problems. One problem was travel because I am using my car a lot. Another issue was my consumption of electricity and water at home which was as high as 22 instate of 16 as average to the UAE. On the other hand, there are some ways to reduce my footprint. First I need to walk instead of using my car when possible. I have to turn off the air conditions in the rooms that I am not using as well. A final solution is that I must put the recyclable trash in the proper place like the one in spines supermarkets.

It is important to determine our carbon footprint and know how we are contributing at global warming. Then we have to try and do our best to make our planet clean and safe. It is a major problem; therefore, everybody must become involved to solve it and live safely.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

WE made it,WE can solve it.

I think it is a great film which talks about big issue which we have to find a solution for. Through the film, he told as about how dangers the global warming is. The life style that we have is the main reason for it. Our factors, cars and our need to energy made us run to the fossil energy with out thinking of the consequences. The emissions from all of them made it even worst. Ms al gore showed us the problem but he can't solve it for as. The solution is in our hands. In each of us hand .The government can help a lot by making regulate for the emissions that we produce. One guy can't solve global problem. We have to but our hand together for it .If every and each one of the changed his life style and made it more environmental and with the government help we can make a different so lets do, lets but our hands together for our only home. I believe that we made the problem and we can sole it TOGETHER. The solving should start with the government because they should be the leaders for us. WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

"an inconvenient truth" by Ms. Al Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore is made a new movie called “An Inconvenient Truth.” It is a documentary about global warming and the effect. This is the issue that Al Gore has been interested in for many years back. For the past six years, Mister Gore has been traveling around, the countries and the world giving presentation about global warming. He has given the talks many times that even passed the thousand times. Mister Gore speaks to groups of people with a big screen behind him. Satellite pictures, scientific models, graphs and other images appear on the screen as he talks. Most of “An Inconvenient Truth” is filmed at those events. The subject of global warming has been debated for years. In the move Al Gore showed how the problem is rising so rabidly that the mankind can catch up with it. Factories, power stations and vehicles produce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases trap warm air in the atmosphere instate of letting the heat go to the space. Most climate scientists believe these gases are responsible in many ways temperature increases on Earth. That increase will cause all kind of problem for the humans and the whole plant. One of the examples he gave is the ice melting all over the world which cause the sea level about 20 feet which could lead to a big disaster for the coastal areas in the begging of course then for the whole planet and we may not be able to recover after this because more than 70% of the earth is water therefore we cant make the water disappear and it might be the end of the world.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Introduction to Global Warming

The global warming means that the average temperature of the earth in increasing and the change is affecting the earth climate. Regarding to http://www.ace.mmu.ac.uk the earth surface warmed up by 0.6oC during this period and if we do nothing at the end on 21century it will be from 1.4to5.8 higher in anywhere on the surface of the earth than what it was in 1990.this rapid change will change in rain falls and rise is sea level effecting the plants, the animals and us. The greenhouse gases are the major cause of the global warming. These gases act like green house by allowing the heat from the sun to enter the earth surface with out letting it to radiate back to the space. The green house gases is the name that scientists for carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane. These gases mostly produced by us as humans. We cut the trees that absorb the CO2, we burn fossil fuels, we use cars and we use electricity produced by burning coals all that produce greenhouse gases.